A Chakra Meditation Program 
A Meditation Program 



True Harmony’s Chakra meditation

Chakra Yoga is a system that combines traditional yoga practices with the principles of the ancient Indian system of energy centers known as chakras.


What is Chakra meditation?
it is a profound spiritual practice that aims to align and balance the chakras. This form of meditation often involves visualizing each chakra, from the root to the crown, and using specific mantras or sounds that resonate with each chakra's frequency.

align and balance your life

Chakra meditation aids in unblocking any stagnant energy within these centers, promoting a smoother flow of energy throughout the entire body. This can lead to not only spiritual and emotional benefits but also physical health improvements.

The 7 Chakras

press the dots !

Crown Chakra (AH): For spiritual connection and enlightenment.

Third Eye Chakra (OM): To increase intuition and insight.

Throat Chakra (HAM): For clear communication and self-expression.

Heart Chakra (YAM): To open the heart to love and compassion.

Solar Plexus Chakra (RAM): For enhancing personal power and self-confidence.

Sacral Chakra (VAM): To unlock creativity and emotional balance.

Root Chakra (LAM): For grounding and stability.




Root Chakra (Muladhara)

Sacral Chakra (Svadhishthana)

Solar Chakra (Manipura)

Heart Chakra (Anahata)

Throat Chakra (Vishuddha)

Third Eye Chakra (Ajna)

"I never realized how much balance I was missing until I joined this program. Now, I feel like I have the tools to manage my work and personal life in a way that brings me true happiness and fulfillment."


"Thanks to this amazing work-life balance program, I've found a new sense of equilibrium in my life. It's helped me prioritize what truly matters and manage my time more effectively."


"I'm incredibly grateful for this work-life balance program. It's been like a guiding light, helping me navigate the complexities of my life with compassion and understanding."


Get Started Today



Our workshop offers a comprehensive approach to achieving life balance, focusing on practical strategies and tools to help you thrive in both your professional and personal life. Through interactive sessions, participants will learn effective time management techniques, stress reduction methods, and communication skills to foster harmony and fulfillment. Additionally, our workshops provide personalized guidance and support tailored to your specific needs, ensuring you leave with a clear action plan for maintaining balance in the long term.

    Practical time management strategies

    Stress reduction techniques

    Effective communication skills

    Personalized guidance and support

    Successful adaptation to life transitions